CTEC Courses

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CTEC Classes

CTEC Renewal

IRS Annual Filing Season Program

Do you offer the IRS AFTR course?

To qualify for AFSP benefits, non-credentialed tax preparers must obtain 18 hours of continuing education. In addition to 10 hours of federal tax laws and 2 hours of ethics, non-credentialed tax preparers must complete a 6-hour Annual Federal Tax Refresher (AFTR) course.

The California Tax School primarily serves CTEC-registered tax professionals (CRTPs), who are exempt from the AFTR course.

CRTPs can qualify for AFSP benefits without taking the 6-hour AFTR course. The IRS has specifically exempted CRTPs from the 6-hour AFTR course. However, CRTPs must still complete 15 hours of continuing education (10 hours of federal tax laws, 2 hours of ethics, and 3 hours of update) by December 31 to qualify for AFSP benefits.

The California Tax School does not offer the AFTR course because it is not intended for CTEC-registered tax professionals.

Instead, we offer a 20-hour CTEC+IRS program which includes 10 hours of federal tax laws, 2 hours of ethics, and 3 hours of update.

If you are a tax preparer who lives and works outside California, please click on the link below to view a list of IRS-approved CE providers offering the AFTR course:



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